

There has been a wave of mass shootings in recent weeks. At a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs, a shooter killed five people and injured 17 others which have been called a hate crime.

Putin’s SS

Adolph Hitler organized the Waffen-SS because he lacked trust in the Wehrmacht, the traditional German military. He knew they were loyal to Germany and not to him personally. With this in mind, he created his own army under his complete control. Hitler appointed Heinrich Himmler as commander of the Waffen SS.


When author Thomas Wolfe said, “You can’t go home again,” he meant that you cannot relive your past, because watching an event through an older self’s lens will never replicate the same experience. While that sentiment remains one of literature’s truer statements, in Hollywood it’s a different story.

In the

If you’ve ever ordered seeds or nursery plants using a catalog or online store, you’re probably getting plenty of seed catalogs in the mail. It seems like once you are on one mailing list, they all start sending glossy pages filled with tempting photos of blooms and flawless vegetables.


LARRY’S PLUMBING REPAIRS & DRAIN CLEANING - Senior citizens discount. Accepts all major credit and debit cards. Locally owned and operated by Larry Merritt. State License #LJP3610. #68 W. Claiborne Sq., Chalmette. Call


FOR SALE - 1980 truck with tool bed for sale. Call 504.228.3216.

Uncertain Times

From ripple to tsunami. Experts say that every tsunami started off as a ripple. There is a tsunami coming. Not from the ballot box, our hope is not in the vote (which can be manipulated by whoever is in power). People of Christ don’t be downcast or fearful but rejoice, show from the roof top, be glad because Jesus is always victorious. Let the TV pundits laugh and mock o how proud and boastful are. We must pray for souls to heed the signs, and warnings, and seek higher ground, that none would be lost, but come to the knowledge of the truth. Watch what awesome things Jesus can do with a ripple.

2022 Los Isleños Christmas Scheduled for December 3

Los Isleños Heritage and Cultural Society will celebrate Los Isleños Christmas 2022 Saturday, December 3, on the grounds of Los Isleños Museum Complex, 1345 – 1357 Bayou Road, St. Bernard. School performances of Christmas music and carols will begin at 3 p.m. and conclude about 5:30 p.m. Seven St. Bernard Parish schools are scheduled to perform during Los Isleños Christmas 2022. The traditional Isleño bonfire will be ignited about 5:30 p.m. concluding the event.