
A Failure of Leadership

What madness?! The United States is in a crisis and our so-called leaders go on vacation! Our nation is threatened with war on two fronts, Russia and China. Millions of illegal immigrants are overrunning our borders.

Your Vote is Important. Use it!

Your one vote is so very important. Never ever think it won’t matter if you skip this one election because you won’t know how significant it was until after the election results are tallied.


Former President Donald Trump just can’t keep his mouth shut. He rants and raves against anyone who crosses his path.

Safe, You Bet On It!

As we witness cities throughout America, we can see near collapse of them. The national media continues to selectively reduce exposing the failures of Democratic controlled cities. With certain catastrophes, the news media would be covering the issue daily like an event involving Trump or Republicans. Question, has the dangerous three ring circus of illegal drug use gone away in cities like Seattle or Portland? The saga of San Fransisco’s closure of Market St. has seemingly disappeared from national attention. New York city, Texas border towns, and even Chicago have experienced new crime waves with the ever-increasing number of illegal aliens. Yes, major regions and large population cities are feeling the effects of substandard and wrongfully controlled law enforcement. It is not the fact hard working men and women who wear the uniform, have a badge, and go to work dedicated are any less willing to do their job. It is the administrations in these failed communities that have tied the hands of law enforcement. Even the prosecutors and judges have been subject to this wave of woke harebrained public safety ideas. It is scary, none the less. Just next door in Gotham City, the fear of armed robbery, carjacking, mugging, and gun violence are real. Something else one might add to the pile of crime is a lack of traffic enforcement. A speeding car has more impact than 45 caliber bullet weight wise. Make no excuses, our cities have fallen to the criminal element, the lowest rung on the ladder of humanity. Is there salvation around the corner for our neighbor city? Till there is a major increase in manpower on the NOPD, a change with the DA, and the courts nothing will change, expect it to get worst. New Orleans is sinking in lack of public safety like a ship with a thousand pin holes in the hull, leaking everywhere.

Joseph Davies Elementary Students of the Month for September 2023

Pictured are Joseph Davies Elementary Students of the Month for September 2023. Kindergarten: Brantley Hebert, Rita Li, Kal-el Guidry, River Laurent and Chase Moser. First Grade: Cyrie Areas, Khloe DuBose, Collin Cocchiara and Luna LaBiche. Second Grade: Andrew Labruzzi, Lilly Williams, Reid Hilkirk, Rylin Savarese and Dawsyn Owens. Third Grade: Layne Nunez, Ryan Ducote, Gracie Hingle, Jaxson Dominick, Gael Gonzalez, Max Armstrong and Arabella Robin. Fourth Grade: Grady DeJean, Maddox Acosta, Neveah Ansardi and Greyson Plumstead. Fifth Grade: Angel Albert, Lanny Lafrance, Edward Scott, Colin Serpas and Edward Viada.


25 YEARS AGO • Hurricane Georges passed us by. Again, we have been spared, and we are humbly grateful.