Safe, You Bet On It!



  • Sheriff Pohlmann with the Vietnam veterans for the parade on Memorial Day.
    Sheriff Pohlmann with the Vietnam veterans for the parade on Memorial Day.
  • The team of deputies who boiled crawfish for the Sheriff’s annual cook-off. A great event to meet those who protect and serve with the SBSO.
    The team of deputies who boiled crawfish for the Sheriff’s annual cook-off. A great event to meet those who protect and serve with the SBSO.
  • Alt Text for Image
    Alt Text for Image
As we witness cities throughout America, we can see near collapse of them. The national media continues to selectively reduce exposing the failures of Democratic controlled cities. With certain catastrophes, the news media would be covering the issue daily like an event involving Trump or Republicans. Question, has the dangerous three ring circus of illegal drug use gone away in cities like…

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